The main areas of operation for Best Tropical Fruits Ltd., are in the Counties of Machakos, Makueni and Kitui which are designated as an Arid and Semi Arid Land (ASAL) area with an annual average rainfall of less than 500 mm.
Deep rooted mango, avocado and pawpaw trees are suitable for this low rainfall environment and it is noticeable that farmers are increasing their fruit tree orchards by around 10% per annum, as they realise that fruit trees cope best with the harsh environment and overall give them their best income return.
According to a recent Environmental Audit Report, Best Tropical Fruits Ltd., is determined to fully comply with all NEMA requirements and is committed to reduce negative environmental impact, as all residues are recycled, thus enabling the farmers to contribute to climate-smart agriculture.
Best Tropical Fruits Ltd is committed to zero waste from processing, by converting seeds and fruit peel to secondary products.
Best Tropical Fruits Ltd utilizes gas from its biodigester for water heating and generates solar power to supplement its operations.